Jun 21, 2019

How to Keep Company and Employee Information Safe Oct 11, 2019 3 Ways HIM Professionals Protect Patient Data To truly protect patient data, healthcare organizations need to have policies in place to minimize the chance that information will be compromised. Members of the HIM department are often responsible for creating and maintaining these types of standards, which aid providers and other employees in handling data properly to protect patient Protect your phone, personal information - WorkLife

New York Looks To Protect Personal Information Gathered

Protect personal information with a credit freeze. I'll give you a rundown of the process of freezing your reports from each of the three major credit bureaus – Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. It's one of the best ways to protect personal information from hackers. Equifax. Equifax set up a special website for customers to see if they got Top 10 reasons to keep your personal information private

Apr 05, 2019

LifeLabs failed to protect personal health information of LifeLabs failed to protect the personal health information of millions of Canadians, resulting in a "significant privacy breach," according to a joint investigation by Ontario and B.C.'s 10 things you can do to protect your data - TechRepublic